Social Emotional Learning SEL
1083 of you answered the Panorama District Social and Emotional Learning Survey! Way to Go!!
Is life feeling a little stressful lately? Stop for 3 minutes and watch this video
Make Healthy Choices During the Pandemic!
Posted by Jennifer Burden on 10/22/2020
During a pandemic, it is very important to focus on your overall health. There are a few things you can do to make sure you are safe and come out of this better than ever!
Preventing the spread of COVID-19
We can protect ourselves and our families by doing a few simple things:
1.) Washing your hands frequently for 20 seconds at a time
2.) Wearing a mask
3.) Following social distancing guidelines (avoid crowded places and stay six feet away from others when you come in contact)
It is also very important to ensure you have a strong immune system in a pandemic
Make sure you make healthy choices about what you eat.
Choose Healthy Foods and Drinks. Healthy eating involves taking control of how much and what types of food you eat, as well as the beverages you drink. Try to replace foods high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat protein foods, and fat-free or low-fat dairy foods.
(US Department of Health and Human Services)
Make sure you take time to exercise and go outside every day.
Physical activity is good to reduce stress and maintain a healthy immune system.
Sunlight is also important as we get vitamin D from about 20 minutes of sun exposure each day.
Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, teeth and muscles.
A good night’s sleep is very important
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has recommended that children aged 6–12 years should regularly sleep 9–12 hours per 24 hours and teenagers aged 13–18 years should sleep 8–10 hours per 24 hours. Students who get enough sleep may have fewer attention and behavior problems.
Survey One Results: Talking about the pandemic
Posted by Jennifer Burden on 9/21/2020
Hog Time Week One survey!
Here are the results for our first survey. We asked how you are doing with quarantine and distance learning and this is how you answered!
1, 134 of you responded and this is what you said about your first weeks of distance learning!
94.8% of you said that although the move to distance learning is a new way to learn, you are figuring it out. Awesome! Remember that communication is VERY important right now. If you need help, make sure you ask! Your teachers are here to help you!
Here is how you responded when you talked about life under quarantine:
14.2% Love quarantine!
65.6% Are OK but think quarantine is really boring
14.2% of you are having a really hard time with quaratine but, you have a really good support system
Let's talk about the pandemic
Posted by Jennifer Burden on 9/16/2020 3:00:00 PM
Welcome to Hog Time Week One Pandemic Edition! This week we are talking about life under COVID. Life has changed for all of us and while we are going through some difficult times, we are united as one Javelina family.
Listen to what other Southwest students are saying about life under quarantine:
Remember, even if this has been difficult, it is important to look for the positive. Try this exercise to reflect on the postive and try doing it with your family!
Think about a rose. A rose is beautiful. As a result of this pandemic, try to think about something positive.
Some people say they are happy that they can spend more time with their families because of quarantine. Other people are glad that they have more time to focus on learning or a hobby like art.
What has been positive for you because of this quarantine?
Now, let's talk about the thorns. Thorms are the difficult things that have happened as a result of this pandemic. Sometimes, it is difficult to talk about the thorns but it is important to talk about things we experience both good and bad.
What has been something negative that you have experienced as a result of the pandemic?
Finally, think about new opportunities or preparing for a bright future, just like this rose bud.
As a result fo this pandemic, what is something new you would like to learn?
This week, also take the opportunity to look at some of the great resources on NewsELA:
* All students at Southwest Early College High School have a NewsELA account.
*When you click on the links below, it will ask you to sign in.
*Use your PSJA username and password.
Cultivating Self Compassion is Key to Strong Mental and Emotional Health
Try Some Mindful Breathing!
It's About Time! Focusing on Time Mangement
Posted by Jennifer Burden on 9/25/2020
Here are some suggestions from your fellow classmates about the importance of time management while you are distance learning.
If you didn't find the move to distance learning completely easy and want quarantine to be over already, you are not alone! Most of you feel that way!
We might not have control over COVID but we do have control over our actions.
Now, more than ever, it is important to focus on your studies and and TIME MANAGEMENT will be one of the MOST important things you can do to be successful.
Let's watch the following video. Here,. we see two very different approaches to distacne learning. Which student do you think will be the most successful?
We are all learning a little differently right now. Whether you are using a computer or working through packets, it is very important right now to make a schedule and follow it.
What does that mean? Make sure you are going to bed early each night and waking up ready to learn every morning. Take advantage of the breaks in your schedule throughout the day and make sure to COMMUNICATE with your teachers when you are having trouble.
S Specific Think about a goal. What is it? Write it down.
M Measurable How will you know your succeeded and met your goal?
A Attainable What do you need to do to reach your goal?
R Relevant Why does your goal matter to you? Why is it important?
T TimeOriented By when do you plan to reach your goal?